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Honey biscuits

Honey cookies are unusually fragrant and do not stale for a long time. You can make cookies with honey in half an hour, and for a few days you will be provided with wonderful homemade pastries. More details about honey cookies...We'll tell you how to make honey cookies. The recipe for honey cookies is extremely simple: they melted butter, poured honey into it, added flour, sour cream, sugar, and kneaded dough. After that, pinch the pieces and form the cookies. Or we roll out a sheet and cut out the cuttings of the future honey cookies from it. You can also make lush honey cookies. The recipe in this case is slightly different, because yeast will be needed

or slaked soda. This recipe for honey cookies is a bit like the recipe for buns. Honey cookies can be made with filling. To do this, honey cookies are twisted into rolls or cookies are made of two halves. You can decorate honey cookies, the recipe often advises to pour honey over it on top, put a piece of almonds, walnut, sprinkle with icing sugar. Also, you can add or sprinkle a little cinnamon on top of honey cookies.