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Almond baclava with semolina

1 serving

Prepare the filling: grind the peeled almonds, pour into a bowl, add the sugar and melted butter, rub the mixture with your hands until smooth and leave overnight. The next day, sift flour and semolina into a bowl, add salt and melted butter, rub and mix the dough for half an hour, gradually wetting it with water to make a very dense, but elastic enough mass. Form 14 balls from the dough, sprinkle each with starch and roll into very thin sheets. Grease a large cast iron pan with melted butter, lay seven sheets of dough on it one near the other so that their edges hang from the edge of the pan, coat all the sheets with melted butter and then cover them with the remaining layers of dough. Cover them with a layer of almonds, and cover the almonds with the hanging edges of the dough. Draw strips on the surface of the lava tank so that they form diamonds when crossing, and put peeled almonds in the center of each diamond. Grease the entire surface of the baclava with melted butter, put the pan in the oven and bake over low heat until golden. Remove the ready-made cakes from the oven, pour copious honey over them, let them cool and cut them into diamonds. After an hour and a half, when the baclava is soaked in honey, put it on a dish and serve it.

butter - 1 cup, salt - 0.25 tsp, almonds - 3 cups, semolina - 2 tbsp. spoons, sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons, honey - 5 tbsp. spoons, potato starch to taste, flour - 1.5 cups, melted butter - 1.5 cups