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Coffee ice cream

1 serving

Ice sprinkled with salt is laid on the bottom of the tub with a layer of 5-7 cm, a cylindrical shape is installed with a convex bottom - frost. The space between the walls of the mold and the tub is filled with pieces of ice with salt. The ice cream maker, half filled with the cooled mixture, is tightly closed with a lid and rotates one way or the other. The mixture in the form is periodically kneaded: a frozen layer is separated from the walls and evenly distributed throughout the mass. Rotation and cleaning of the mold walls is carried out until the mixture acquires the consistency of thick sour cream. After that, the ice cream is mixed again, the mold is closed with a lid, laid with ice, covered with a dense cloth and maintained for
1. 5- 2 hours, until the mass sets. Rub the egg yolks well with sugar, add coffee and milk to them, put the mass on the heat and bring to a boil with constant stirring. Remove the boiled mass from the stove and, continuing to stir, completely cool. Pour into an ice cream maker and freeze. Serve the finished ice cream on the table in vases, covering the surface with foam from whipped cream.

sugar - 250 g, yolk - 4 pcs., natural coffee - 750 g, cream - 300 g, milk to taste