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Charlot cream (main)

For this cream one prepares egg-milk syrup. First, sugar and milk are brought to a boil. The eggs are beaten for 5-7 minutes so that during the subsequent operation they do not curl. Hot milk with sugar is gradually poured into the beaten eggs in a thin stream. If you pour milk immediately, then the eggs will curl. The resulting mass is put on a water bath or on a very low fire and, stirring, boiled at a temperature of 104-105 ° C until thickening (several minutes). Egg-and-milk syrup is strained and cooled to 20 ° C. Butter softened at room temperature is beaten for 7-10 minutes, egg-and-milk syrup, cognac, vanilla powder are gradually added and beaten for another 10-15 minutes to increase the mass by

2. 5-3 times.

butter - 300-400 g, sugar - 380 g, milk - 250 ml, eggs - 1-2 pcs., vanilla powder - 4 g, cognac - 2 g, or wine - 2 g