Butter cream "charlotte"
For this cream one prepares egg-milk syrup. Sugar and milk are brought to a boil. Eggs are beaten for 5-7 minutes so that during the subsequent operation they do not curl (the quality of the cream deteriorates from this). Hot milk with sugar is poured into a cauldron with beaten eggs in a stained thin stream. If you pour milk immediately, then the eggs will curl. The resulting mass is put on a water bath and boiled at a temperature of 104-105 ° until thickening (about 10 minutes). Egg-milk syrup is strained and cooled to 20 °. Butter is cleaned, cut into pieces and beaten for 7-10 minutes on a quiet move, then switched to a fast move, gradually added egg-milk syrup, cognac, vanilla powder and beaten for another 10-15 minutes. Sometimes Charlotte cream is prepared in condensed milk. Replacement in the recipe is performed according to the table of interchangeability of the products of the recipe collector. Cream is prepared in the same way, only water is added to condensed milk, beaten eggs and boiled in a water bath for 2-3 minutes, mixing the mass well, and then strained through a sieve. Quality requirements: homogeneous lush oily mass of yellowish color, retains its shape well, humidity 25%. The cream is less resistant to snoring than oil.
butter - 418 g, vanilla - 4 g, sugar - 364 g, milk - 243 g, eggs - 65 g, wine - 1.6 g, or cognac - 1.6 g