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Milk-protein cream

Gelatin is poured with water for a day, then heated on a steam bath and preliminarily boiled sugar syrup is introduced into it (sugar and water are taken at a ratio of 4: 1, respectively). Butter is beaten with condensed milk till homogeneous mass. Cooled proteins are separately beaten till increase by 5-6 times, then sugar-gelatin syrup is introduced, beaten till lush mass is formed. Protein mass is combined with whipped oil mass, cream is continued to be whipped till splendor. At the end of whipping, cognac, vanilla powder, citric acid are added to the cream.

egg protein 150g, butter 290g, sugar 600g, condensed milk 130g, water 235g, gelatin 20g, cognac 15g, vanilla powder 15g, citric acid 3g