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Heated white sugar glaze

Even the most delicious Easter cake will not please the eye without a lush white sugar-glazed hat with colorful sprinkles. The recipe for preparing a white cake glaze is described below, and based on it, sugar colored glaze can be prepared as desired.

sugar - 300 g, water - 100 g

To make sugar glaze 300g sugar, pour water (100g) and cook over moderate heat until tender. The finished sugar glaze forms bubbles if a wire ring is dipped into it and blown onto it. During cooking, the sugar foam must be removed with a wooden spoon. Pour hot sugar syrup onto a tray and stir with a knife until solid. Knead the cooled hardened mass with wet hands, place it in dishes and melt it over steam. Non-heated and heated white sugar glaze can be used to make sugar coloured glaze by adding the food colouring of the desired colour.