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Rosehip pastille

1 serving

Wash the rosehips, peel from the seeds, put in a saucepan, pour water, cook on a low heat until soft, cool and wipe through a colander. Add sugar to the resulting mass, boil, then add egg whites and beat the mixture for 40 - 45 minutes. The whipped mass should be foamy, loose, fine-porous and not spread over cold glass. Immediately after beating, it must be poured into molds lined with greased paper and put in the oven for drying. Dry for 15 - 20 hours at 55 - 60 °. After cooling, release the pastille from paper and sprinkle with icing sugar. The prepared flooring should not have damp places and stick to the wooden needle when pierced.

protein - 5 g, sugar - 400 g, rose hips - 500 g