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Stuffed banana balls deep fried

1 serving

In a pan, heat 1-2 tablespoons of melted butter or butter, pour in the ground nuts and fry them, stirring, until brown. Then add the washed and dried raisins and fry for a few more seconds, then pour in the nutmeg and cardamom, mix and remove from the heat. Cut the peeled bananas into circles. In a clean pan, heat the remaining oil and, stirring occasionally, fry the bananas in it until soft and covered with brown specks. Then add the sugar and continue to fry, stirring, for 10-15 minutes, until the mixture thickens. When a homogeneous mass is formed, remove the dishes from the heat and let the banana paste cool. Divide the finished banana mass into 15 parts and mix one part with the nut-raisin mixture. Divide the nut filling into 14 parts. Make thick round tortillas from the remaining banana mass and make a hollow in each with your thumb. Put one part of the nut filling into this recess, connect the edges of the cake, sealing the hole, and carefully shape the even balls. In a saucepan, heat a large amount of oil and deep-fry banana balls for two minutes until brown, making sure they do not stick together. Remove the finished dessert with a spoon on a sieve or in a colander to stack the excess fat, then put on a dish, sprinkle with fried coconut chips and serve hot.

banana - 10 pcs., melted butter - 4 tbsp. spoons, walnut - 1 cup, raisins - 2 tbsp. spoons, nutmeg - 0.5 tsp, cardamom - 0.5 tsp, sugar - 0.5 cups, coconut chips - 3 tbsp. spoons, or butter - 4 tbsp. spoons