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Cheesecake is a dish of European cuisine. Essentially a curd or cheese dessert, there are many variations of cheesecake - from casserole to soufflé cake. More details about cheesecake...
How to make cheesecake at home? The cheesecake recipe contains the following ingredients: cream cheese, sugar, cream, eggs (it is already noticeable from the ingredients that the calorie content of the cheesecake is quite high - from 400 to 600 Kcal per serving). In addition, you will need cookies that are used as a base or substitute for flour, fruits and other additives. For example, if you are planning to make chocolate cheesecake, the recipe will require you to have chocolate, respectively. Chocolate cheesecake has an excellent taste, it is not for nothing that it is common for many European restaurants. Cheesecake tends to have two layers: the bottom of dough, and the top of soufflé.

The classic cheesecake, the recipe of which we briefly described, is made in the original from cream cheese. However, our hostesses increasingly prefer to replace it with cottage cheese, and cook cottage cheese cheesecake. The cottage cheese cheesecake recipe has exactly the same cooking technology as the classic cheesecake. Very often there is a question, how to make a cheesecake so that when ready it does not have a crack in the middle? We answer: the main thing in the correct preparation of cheesecake is uniform and long-term heating. To do this, the curd cheesecake or any other cheesecake is baked for quite some time, then slowly cooled or even baked in a water bath. The curd cheesecake recipe has many varieties: with vanilla, strawberries, peaches, bananas. Cheesecake isn't just cooked in the oven or microwave. You can make a cheesecake in a slow cooker.

There is also a cheesecake without baking. No-bake cheesecake is made in Britain. Any British housekeeper knows how to make cheesecake. The first layer of cheesecake, this is a shaken cookie mixed with butter and pressed into a thick pancake. The second layer of cheesecake, or filling, is a mixture of milk, sugar, cheese, cream. The recipe for cheesecake without baking is wrapped by cooling the resulting dessert. Cheesecake is also very much loved by Americans, they even came up with their recipe for Cheesecake New York. This dish closely resembles our curd casserole, and there is evidence that Cheesecake's New York recipe came from Eastern Europeans. And today cheesecake cake is considered an American national dish.

That seems to be all about cheesecakes. If you still don't know how to make a cheesecake, on our website you will probably find a recipe for a cheesecake with a photo that is unlikely to leave you indifferent.