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Cold in minsk

1 serving

Sorrel is chopped, boiled in water or broth till ready and cooled. Beetroot is boiled whole with skin in water with vinegar. The decoction is cooled and strained through a sieve or napkin, the beets are cleaned and chopped. Then green onions, ground with salt and yolks of hard-boiled eggs, chopped cucumbers, beets, proteins, sugar are put into the chilled decoction with sorrel; beet decoction and kefir, preliminarily beaten with broom and cooled, are poured. When served, fill with sour cream and sprinkle with dill greens.

sorrel - 200 g, beets - 100 g, cucumbers - 60 g, eggs - 0.5 pcs., green onions - 30 g, kefir - 100 g, sour cream - 20 g, sugar - 5 g, dill - 5 g, vinegar - 5 g, salt to taste