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Semolina soup

1 serving

Mucous and strained soups are prepared on water from rice, semolina, pearl barley and barley cereals. They are indicated in diseases of the digestive system and, if necessary, chemical and mechanical correction thereof. For one portion of mucous soup, 50 g of cereals are taken. Before cooking, grits are sorted, washed, poured with cold water, 10 times the volume of grits. These soups are prepared over low heat, stirring (from semolina - 10-15 minutes, pearl and barley - 2-3 hours). When boiling out, water is added to initial level. The finished cereal is discarded on a sieve, strained, lowered into a decoction and brought to a boil. Semolina soup is not wiped. After boiling the boil, salt to taste, butter, sugar are added to it.

semolina - 50 g, butter - 10 g, sugar - 10 g, salt - 2 g