Heck soup with vegetables
1 serving
Lower the purified and prepared fish into cold salted water. When the water boils, the foam is removed, add spices and cook until the fish is tender. Strain the broth, add carrots, potatoes, onions fried in flour, and cook until cooked. Put the already boiled fish, chopped greens and sour cream in the soup before serving.
Lower the purified and prepared fish into cold salted water. When the water boils, the foam is removed, add spices and cook until the fish is tender. Strain the broth, add carrots, potatoes, onions fried in flour, and cook until cooked. Put the already boiled fish, chopped greens and sour cream in the soup before serving.
sea fish to taste, carrots to taste, potatoes to taste, onions to taste, flour to taste, greens to taste, sour cream to taste