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Chicken ruffled pickle

2 servings

We prepare an unusually tasty, fragrant and economical dish - pickle from chicken giblets.

meat broth - 2.5 l, or meat-bone broth - 2.5 l, chicken giblets (from one chicken) how much will go, parsnip root - 1 pc., celery root - 1 pc., parsley root - 1 pc., onions - 1 pc., sorrel - 50 g, spinach - 50 g, salted cucumbers - 4-5 pcs., cucumber brine - 0.5-1 cup, melted butter - 1 tbsp. spoon, bay leaf - 1 pc., Black pepper - 2-3 peas, sour cream to taste, parsley greens to taste, dill to taste

Scorch the head, neck and wings of the chicken and rinse thoroughly. Cut the neck into 3-4 parts, wings into two; chop off the beak; the heart to cut and remove blood; cut the navel in half in the longitudinal direction, remove the inner film and wash well. Scalp the first two joints of the legs and remove the hard skin. Put everything in a saucepan, pour hot broth, put peppercorns, bay leaves, crushed vegetables and cook for
1. 5-2 hours with a weak boil. Remove the ready-made giblets, and strain the broth and pour it back into the pan. Cook the washed liver separately. At this time, cut the cucumbers, peeled from the skin and seeds, into straws, put in a pan, pour in a little stock and put it out slightly under the lid. Grind the peeled onions and fry in warmed butter. Rinse sorrel and spinach, scald with boiling water, remove large veins, and very finely chop the leaves or pass through a meat grinder. Put the stewed cucumbers and fried onions in the boiling strained broth, boil for 10 minutes, add sorrel, spinach, boiled and strained cucumber brine, boiled giblets and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Pouring the chicken giblets brine over the plates, add sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped greens.