Brine with buckwheat cereals
1 serving
Peel and cut 6 large pickles with slices, as well as medium turnips, 0. 5 swedes, carrots, leeks, bulb onions, 0. 5 parsley and celery, 6 potatoes. Pour 50 g of buckwheat, put the bay leaf, cook. Before serving, add chopped dill, parsley greens, 100g sour cream, tablespoon oil, cucumber brine. Warm up without boiling. Serve sour cream.
Peel and cut 6 large pickles with slices, as well as medium turnips, 0. 5 swedes, carrots, leeks, bulb onions, 0. 5 parsley and celery, 6 potatoes. Pour 50 g of buckwheat, put the bay leaf, cook. Before serving, add chopped dill, parsley greens, 100g sour cream, tablespoon oil, cucumber brine. Warm up without boiling. Serve sour cream.
potatoes - 6 pcs., carrots - 0.5 pcs., turnips - 0.5 pcs., rutabaga - 0.5 tsp, parsley greens - 0.5 pcs., parsley root to taste, dill to taste, onions - 0.5 pcs., bay leaf - 1 pc., leek - 0.5 pcs., buckwheat - 50 g, salted cucumbers - 6 pcs., sour cream to taste, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, celery - 0.5 pcs.