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Home-made pickle

1 serving

prepare broth in advance on one of the following products: beef, lamb, heart, chicken or duck (at the rate of 600 g per

2. 5-3 liters of water). parsley, celery, onions, peel, rinse, drizzle with straws and fry lightly in oil. cut the salted cucumber into thin bars and let in a small amount of broth. cut potatoes into wedges, white cabbage - straws. put cabbage in boiling broth, and then, when the broth boils again, potatoes. after five minutes, season with browned vegetables with puffed cucumbers. shortly before the end of cooking, put salt, pepper, bay leaf, pour cucumber brine.

white cabbage - 250 g, potatoes - 4-5 pcs., carrots - 1 pc., parsley root - 1 pc., celery root - 1 pc., onions - 1 pc., salted cucumbers - 1 pc., butter - 2-3 tbsp. spoons, or melted butter - 2-3 tbsp. spoons, or margarine - 2-3 tbsp. spoons, cucumber brine - 0.5 cups, salt to taste, pepper to taste, bay leaf to taste