Okroshka meat
1 serving
yolks of boiled eggs, rub salt with mustard and spread with a little kvass. then pour this dressing into the remaining kvass and put it in the cold. chilled boiled meat, egg protein, peeled fresh cucumbers are cut into small cubes, and green onions are chopped and ground with a little salt until juice appears. mix the products, pour with dressed kvass, pour okroshka into plates, sprinkle with dill. if the okroshka is not sharp enough, grated horseradish can be added to it. serve sour cream separately. you can also prepare okroshka from game and veal
yolks of boiled eggs, rub salt with mustard and spread with a little kvass. then pour this dressing into the remaining kvass and put it in the cold. chilled boiled meat, egg protein, peeled fresh cucumbers are cut into small cubes, and green onions are chopped and ground with a little salt until juice appears. mix the products, pour with dressed kvass, pour okroshka into plates, sprinkle with dill. if the okroshka is not sharp enough, grated horseradish can be added to it. serve sour cream separately. you can also prepare okroshka from game and veal
kvass - 1.5 l, mustard - 1 teaspoon, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, cucumbers - 2 pcs., eggs - 2 pcs., sour cream - 0.5 cups, vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons, green onions to taste, dill to taste, horseradish to taste, salt to taste, beef - 250 g, veal - 150 g, ham - 100 g