Miso is a soup of Japanese cuisine, the basis of which is miso pasta. The recipe for miso soup includes not only miso paste, but also other ingredients. More details about miso soup...It is more correct to say that miso is pasta, and the Japanese call soup misosiru. But the basis of miso soup is pasta. The composition of miso paste is soybeans fermented by a special type of mushrooms, wheat grains, rice or barley. Usually seasonal foods are added to miso soup, its composition can also vary significantly from region to region, so there is no one classic recipe for miso soup. Almost all traditional ingredients of Japanese cuisine use this or that Japanese miso soup: a recipe for vegetable miso soup, a recipe with miso salmon, miso soup with shrimp, a recipe for miso with mushrooms. There are several principles for how to make miso soup correctly. For example, miso paste should not be cooked in broth. Interestingly, miso soup is a recipe that the Japanese can use for breakfast. They eat miso soup from pialas. First, the broth is drunk, and then the miso soup is added with sticks.