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Harcho is a beef soup traditional to Georgia. Many people love Harcho soup, the recipe of which any chef of any Soviet canteen once knew. But even today, it is very desirable to know how to prepare harcho soup - it's delicious! More about harcho...For some reason, there is an opinion that harcho is made from lamb. Lamb harcho is an atypical recipe. Of course, you can make lamb harchos, pork harchos, chicken harchos. But! Harcho classic is a beef harcho. No wonder the name "harcho" means beef soup in Georgian. Secondly, if you are interested in making harcho soup, it is prepared at a special dressing - tklapi. A real Georgian harcho soup cannot be made without this ingredient - sun-dried mashed tkemali plum. As a last resort, if you do not have the opportunity to get tklapi, making harcho is possible with tkemali sauce. If you don't find tkemali, fresh cherry plum, well, fill with pomegranate juice.

So, if you're interested in the harcho recipe and you decide to make chicken harcho soup, beef harcho soup, pork harcho soup, or lamb harcho soup, you'll definitely need rice, walnuts, onions, spices. Our hostesses, when preparing harcho, also indulge the recipe of cooking out of habit with tomatoes and onions, but this is already a matter of taste. If you think you now know how to make harcho, you're wrong. The two most important ingredients of harcho are garlic and hop-suneli. Sprinkle them into the harcho soup when the rice is cooked. Let your harcho stand a little more on a small heat, and already in a plate sprinkle the harcho with fresh kinza. Prepare a harcho and put your harcho recipe with a photo on the website - let everyone rejoice for you!