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Borschok with cheesecakes

1 serving

in a broth cooked from
1. 5 pounds of beef, put a piece of smoked brisket or ham, chopped beets and cook for 1-0. 5 hours, then strain, make a guy; chop 1 pound of raw beef, 1 baked or raw beet, lower it all into 2 proteins knocked down in cold water and pour it all together into the broth, all the time interfering, boil once and, moving it to a light heat, let it simmer slowly with half an hour. then strain through a wet napkin. for color and taste, bloom with beetroot juice, cooked differently. 1st way. bake 2-3 beets in a pot, cool, cut and pour into boiled vinegar with different spices: pepper, bay leaf, cinnamon. the juice of this marinade can persist for a very long time in a cool place. 2nd way. grate the beets, boil with vinegar and a little sugar. when it boils - strain, squeezing out the thick. this juice serves as a understory. borschok is served in broth cups.

beef - 600 g, smoked meat - 1 piece, or ham - 1 piece, beets - 1 piece, protein - 2 pieces.