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Moonshine is a strong alcoholic drink obtained at home by distilling braga from sugar-containing raw materials. Actually, whiskey, brandy, rum, chacha, schnapps are all types of moonshine produced already at the factory. More details about moonshine...
For a long time, the preparation of moonshine was banned, today it is not legally prohibited to do moonshine at home. Making moonshine is a creative process. Today, moonshine is made mainly by true lovers of this drink, because the main task here is to enjoy a high-quality and pleasant alcoholic drink. Before taking on the preparation of moonshine, you should carefully study the "matchet" and safety techniques, ask or read how to prepare moonshine. Video or photo will help you to study all the subtleties of moonshine. The recipe for braga for moonshine is selected depending on what raw materials you have: an unprecedented crop of plums or apples, old jam, an extra bag of sugar. . . Braga for moonshine is prepared with the addition of yeast, raisins or sprouted wheat for better fermentation. Special yeast for moonshine is sold today, but you can make good moonshine using homemade yeast based on rye bread, hops or beer. If the raw materials are not sweet enough, then sugar is added. A very important task is to clean moonshine from fusel oils. There are many ways to clear moonshine. Cleaning of homemade moonshine is carried out using manganese, soda, egg white, milk, coal. Often, the cleaning of moonshine at home is carried out using a second distillation. Double distillation of moonshine undoubtedly improves its quality, makes moonshine safer. Recipes for preparing moonshine are based on the same technological principles, but differ due to the use of various raw materials. One of the most common is moonshine from sugar and yeast. Another traditional way to make moonshine is to make wheat moonshine. If you like alcohol with fruity notes, make homemade apple moonshine, grape moonshine, drain moonshine. You can even make moonshine from jam. Often, on the basis of moonshine, some alcoholic drinks are prepared. For example, they make cognac from moonshine, various tinctures on moonshine.