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Curdled milk

Prostokvasha is an old Russian fermented milk drink. And it is very easy to prepare, for which it received such a name - prostokvash. More details about rustling...
The benefits of prostokvash are well known. At one time, it was proved by the famous physiologist Ilya Mechnikov, who even created his own recipe for prostokvashi, which is called Mechnikovskaya prostokvash. Such milk rustic milk is prepared, with the addition of streptocock and Bulgarian stick. And there is also Georgian prostokvasha or matsoni. But let's move on to the question of how to make the squash at home. Cooking rustic milk at home is very easy. Actually, this follows from the very name of the prostokvash. If you don't know how to make milk squash quickly, then milk squash is quickly prepared by simply squashing milk. Therefore, sometimes sour milk is called sour milk. The rustic milk prepared in this way will have an unpredictable taste that depends on the type of bacteria in the milk. Because of this, to make rustic milk tasty at home, starter is added to boiled milk. Previously, you would have been told differently how to make rustic milk: in the old days, rustic milk at home was fermented with the simple addition of yeast bread. By the way, milk does not have to be cow's milk, there is also goat's milk milk milk. It is even believed that goat prostokvash is even more useful. There are a few important points regarding how to make homemade rustic milk: it would be nice to add sugar; milk should stay warm longer, so it is wrapped in a towel. Therefore, it turns out well simple milk in the oven and simple milk in the slow cooker, which keep the specified temperature. Six to eight hours are warm, and tasty homemade milk milk is ready, the recipe is not at all difficult. If you want to see how prostokvash is made, a photo recipe step by step will show you how to cook real homemade prostokvash.

What can be made of prostokvash? - ask you. Firstly, these are other fermented milk products, for example, homemade cottage cheese from prostokvashi, cheese from prostokvashi. Usually, how to make cottage cheese from cottage cheese is of interest to young mothers who want to make a real natural cottage cheese for their children.

Often, sour milk and prostokvash remain drunk, hence the questions of what to cook from prostokvash, what can be made from prostokvash, what to bake from prostokvash? Prostokvash makes a wonderful lush dough, which is why prostokvash pastries are so popular. Pancakes, pies, gingerbread, buns - this is what can be baked from rustic milk. Often, sweet pastries are also prepared on prostokvash. Recipes from prostokvash, these are not only dough products. Dishes from prostokvashi are also sauces, cold snacks, cold soups. So you have a wide choice of what to make from prostokvash. Our recipes from prostokvash with photos will help you decide, they will also show what to make from prostokvash.