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Alcoholic cocktails

A cocktail is a drink obtained by mixing several other drinks. Cocktails, recipes that contain alcohol, respectively, are called alcoholic. More details about alcoholic cocktails...
The recipes of alcoholic cocktails amaze the imagination with ingenuity, a combination of seemingly incompatible ingredients, their design in a glass and appearance. Almost all cocktails are asked for in the photo. And of course, the main thing about cocktails is their taste. The most popular, already classic cocktails are mojito, bloody mary, pina colada and B5

2. How to make cocktails? There are two main processes - mixing and design.

Alcoholic cocktails come in a wide variety, represented by both one type of alcohol and several. There are vodka cocktails, rum cocktails, martini cocktails, whisky cocktails, tequila cocktails, absinthe cocktails, malibu cocktails, cognac cocktails, beilis cocktails, gin cocktails, liqueur cocktails, sambuca cocktails, champagne cocktails, vermouth cocktails, sambuca cocktail, bacardi cocktails. Coffee cocktails with the addition of alcohol harmoniously emphasize the taste of coffee. And cocktail names! They speak for themselves, usually implying what to expect from the person who drank such a cocktail: cocktail orgasm, cocktail sex on the beach, cocktail blue lagoon, cocktail hiroshima, cocktail white Russian and cocktail black Russian, cocktail daikiri, cocktail cosmopolitan. Often, the cocktail recipe hides some interesting story, such as Margarita cocktail, Bloody Mary cocktail, B 52 cocktail, Long Island cocktail, Mojito cocktail, Pina Colada cocktail, Manhattan cocktail. And who doesn't remember the James Bond cocktail? Martini and vodka - "Shaken, not stirred! . "

Although at home you may not have enough of the atmosphere you need for a cocktail, alcoholic cocktails at home are easy to make. Remember, to make cocktails at home, you may need special bar accessories - shaker, blender, mixing glass. You can ask the bartender how to make a cocktail, but we recommend that you use our recipes to make cocktails. For example, if you are waiting for guests, be sure to look at Mojito's cocktail recipe or Margarita's cocktail recipe. And it will be delicious and fun for everyone.