Rowan tea
1 serving
Option I. Dried flowers and rowan fruits are poured with boiling water, let it brew for 3- 5 minutes and then add granulated sugar to taste. The color ratio of the iplodes is arbitrary. Boiling water - 200 g, dried flowers and fruits - 2 tablespoons, sugar to taste. Option II. Mix dried mountain ash berries, raspberries and dried currant leaves and use dumplings.
Option I. Dried flowers and rowan fruits are poured with boiling water, let it brew for 3- 5 minutes and then add granulated sugar to taste. The color ratio of the iplodes is arbitrary. Boiling water - 200 g, dried flowers and fruits - 2 tablespoons, sugar to taste. Option II. Mix dried mountain ash berries, raspberries and dried currant leaves and use dumplings.
raspberries - 50 g, red mountain ash - 300 g, black currant leaves - 25 g