Tea "vegetarian" from dried fruits
1 serving
Pour 400 g of dried apples (or prunes, or a mixture of dried fruits) with water, boil, strain through a sieve. Add so much boiling water to make a total of 6 glasses. Serve sugar and slices of lemon, orange or tangerine (fresh or in sugar). Wipe the apples, mix with sugar and serve with sweet food.
Pour 400 g of dried apples (or prunes, or a mixture of dried fruits) with water, boil, strain through a sieve. Add so much boiling water to make a total of 6 glasses. Serve sugar and slices of lemon, orange or tangerine (fresh or in sugar). Wipe the apples, mix with sugar and serve with sweet food.
orange to taste, or mandarin to taste, lemon to taste, sugar to taste, prunes - 400 g, or dried apples - 400 g, or dried fruits - 400 g