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The recipe for ayran, a fermented milk drink, has been known in the Caucasus and Central Asia for many centuries. The methods of preparing ayran among different peoples differed, but they all prepared an ayran drink from brewed and water-diluted cow's, sheep's or goat's milk. Often salt and basil were added to the ayran. The Armenian drink tan is ayran, but without basil. More details about the Ayran...
The beneficial properties of ayran were known to drugs of the past that used it as a cure for diseases of the stomach and circulatory system. The benefits of ayran are also confirmed by modern research - it refreshes, gives strength and vigor, quenches hunger and thirst. Drinking ayran after libations of alcohol is advised by doctors: the drink ayran is an excellent "antipochmelin. " What else is ayran useful? It strengthens the nervous system, has a bactericidal effect, accelerates metabolism, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

For the production of ayran, they use matsoni, katyk, yogurt, fermented milk products such as prostokvashi, which are diluted with cold water in various proportions. How to make ayran at home? A small amount of this drink can be used as a milk starter for ayran.


1. In the heat, ayran diluted with cold water can be used as a refreshing drink.

2. You need to store ayran in the cold and use it preferably during the day.

3. Ayran can be diluted with drinking or mineral water (not soda), milk or kumys.