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Cheesecakes are open, round, stuffed tortillas. The recipe for vatrushek is popular in the cuisine of the East Slavic peoples. The name "vatrushki" comes from the ancient Slavic word "vatra" (bonfire), which still exists in the Ukrainian language. More details about cheesecakes...The classic recipe is cheesecakes with cottage cheese. To many, the taste of curd cheesecake reminds of childhood. At the heart of the preparation of cheesecakes is dough. Dough for cheesecakes can be different, as a rule, yeast is used - sweet or fresh dough. But cheesecakes from puff pastry, cheesecakes from sand pastry are also very good.
But the filling for cheesecakes is also very important. In addition to curd cheesecakes, the most famous, there are cheesecakes with jam, cheesecakes with povidl, cheesecakes with lingonberries, sweet cheesecakes with apples and berries, cheesecakes with potatoes, cheesecakes with meat, cheesecakes with cheese, cheesecakes with sour cream, shangs.
In the photo, cheesecakes always look very appetising, especially the royal cheesecake, in some recipes it is called the royal cheesecake. So I want to know how to prepare a royal cheesecake. Very original cheesecakes from bagels and cheesecakes from dryers, sheep, although this, of course, is not quite cheesecakes.
We are sure that the Slavs invented the cheesecakes, but there are also Hungarian cheesecakes, English cheesecakes, French cheesecakes, Vienna cheesecakes. . . At least they are called that.
How to prepare cheesecakes - how to sculpt cheesecakes and how to bake cheesecakes, you will learn from hundreds of cheesecakes recipes on our website. We are sure that the preparation of cheesecakes will please you and your loved ones.