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Curd dough

Curd dough is used for many types of flour products. To make the dough tender and at the same time keep the cottage cheese loose, they prepare curd dough for pies, curd dough for pizza, curd dough for dumplings. More details about curd dough...
Making curd dough is simple in itself. Flour, cottage cheese, sugar and salt, in fact, that's all you need to make cottage cheese dough. But you can also add egg, yeast, this is depending on how you want to make curd dough, and for what exactly. Baking from curd dough can be prepared almost any. For your taste, you can choose curd pastry bagels, curd pastry patties, curd pastry roll, curd pastry buns, curd pastry cookies. Even dumplings are cooked on curd dough and pizza on curd dough. A popular recipe for curd pastry is curd pastry pie. Curd pie dough can be made in a variety of ways: it can be puff curd dough, yeast curd dough. The recipe for curd dough can be used to make some kind of unsweetened pie: with cabbage, with meat, with green onions and eggs. If you opted for a sweet pie and cook curd dough for it, the filling may be fresh fruit. Curd dough is made with cherries, curd dough with apples. Here you can make curd pie from shortbread or any other, and the pie itself from curd dough, both open and closed. The curd shortbread recipe can use both margarine and butter. Curd and shortbread dough is often used for an open pie, with its help a form is obtained in which the filling is placed. Curd dough for cookies is better to choose layered. To make cottage cheese dough like fluff, let it stand in the fridge for ten hours, and also use baking powder for dough. If you do not yet know how to knead curd dough correctly, a recipe with a photo will show you the sequence of all actions.