Chopped dough for sweet pies
1 serving
Cold sluggish margarine, flour, salt are chopped with a knife into small "cereal. " Melange is beaten, combined with water, "grits" are poured with this mixture, dough is kneaded and cut under pies, which are parted for 20 - 30 minutes in the cold before baking.
Cold sluggish margarine, flour, salt are chopped with a knife into small "cereal. " Melange is beaten, combined with water, "grits" are poured with this mixture, dough is kneaded and cut under pies, which are parted for 20 - 30 minutes in the cold before baking.
margarine - 500 g, salt - 10 g, flour - 1000 g, water - 0.5 l, melange - 80 g