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Precocious puff pastry

1 serving

Oil or margarine is kneaded till plastic mass is obtained, salt is dissolved in water and all products are combined together. For 3- 5 minutes, the dough is kneaded (it must be homogeneous) and then formed in the form of a brick. The dough is placed on a table or board sprinkled with flour, sprinkled with flour on top and rolled out with a rolling pin or gurney into a rectangular cake 10 mm thick; Then it is folded four times, rolled again and folded four times - dough is ready for cutting. It is recommended to prepare this "layer in cold from cooled products. Instead of water or milk, you can partially add an egg, or even better an egg yolk, then the dough will turn out to be more fluffy and tender.

butter - 420 g, salt - 3 g, flour - 835 g, eggs - 3.5 pcs., water - 0.07 l