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Dough for large pies (for 10 pies of 75-80 g each):

1 serving

for pies, prepare yeast dough in a non-papered way. after fermentation, put the dough on a table sprinkled with flour, cut a large piece, roll it into a tourniquet and cut off pieces from it. roll each cut piece into a ball so that the seam is at the bottom. leave the prepared balls on the 5 - 8 minutes for proofing, and then roll out, put the filling, shape the pie and put in a warm place for proofing. before baking, lubricate the surface of the products with a well-mixed egg. bake in the oven. pies are made with a mass of 75-80 g, but if they are served to soups, then the mass can be significantly reduced - 50 g. The most common forms of pies: boat. put the filling on the middle of the cake, cover with the edges of the dough, pinch them, and turn the cake with the seam down. Christmas tree - do the same as a boat, but split the seam in the form of a Christmas tree and not turn it over. candle - give the cake a cylindrical shape, lubricate one side with oil and put the products on the sheets close to each other, let them stand and bake. open the Moscow one. roll the dough in circles, put the filling on the middle, lift the edges of the dough and pinch so that the middle remains open. open the Novotroitsky. roll the dough in a circle, put the filling, close it with the edges of the dough and split it with a "Christmas tree, " but so that a hole remains in the middle. karasik, kalachik. roll the dough with an elongated cake, put the filling on one half of it, cover it with the other half of the cake. the dough is well crimped along the seam. to shape the product by bending it so that the corners are connected. belyash. this form of pies, close to the Tatar "peremes" and is common in those areas of the country that border the Tatar population (southern Urals). to prepare them, roll out the dough in the form of round tortillas, put mince on the middle, and raise the edges of the dough and pinch with a "Christmas tree"

wheat flour - 2.5 cups, sugar - 1 teaspoon, butter - 2 teaspoons, or margarine - 2 teaspoons, yeast - 1 teaspoon, salt - 0.5 teaspoons, water - 0.75 cups, eggs - 1 piece.