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Yeast puff dough

Yeast dough is prepared by a steam or non-steam method. It is then layered. After fermentation, the dough is laid on a table, rolled into a layer 15-20 mm thick. Half of rolled dough layer is greased with grease softened to consistency of sour cream, coated with greased part of layer by its second half, which is not greased with grease, and rolled again. After that, half of the rolled dough layer is once again greased with fat, covered with a non-greased layer and left for proofing for 20-30 minutes in a cool place. Then the dough is rolled into a formation and the products are formed.

yeast - 20 g, salt - 5 g, sugar - 80 g, water - 160 g, flour - 530-550 g, eggs - 2 pcs., margarine - 150-160 g