Batter on water

15 min your 15 min
Cold, warm, hot water and cool boiling water are used for the dough. For example, a dough for dumplings that are cooked on water is kneaded on cold water.
Flour - 2 glasses, Boiling water - 0.75 glasses, or water - 0.5-0.75 glasses, Vegetable oil (for boiling water dough) - 2 tbsp. spoons, or chicken eggs - 2 pcs., Salt - 1 tsp
To steam dumplings, you need boiling water for the dough. And for homemade pancakes and fried dumplings, water of 70-80 ° C is suitable. Depending on the amount of water, the dough is distinguished between hard and soft. So, for dumplings you need a little water, otherwise too soft dough will not cook well and will not keep the shape. Too hard dough complicates the filling and moulding of dumplings. For any dish, the dough should be kneaded with special care, because this affects the taste of all flour dishes. Dough is considered well kneaded if it is a homogeneous mass, in which there is no water, no dry flour, no small lumps. From the dough on cold or warm water without the use of yeast, steamed products are prepared, boiled in water or baked. After the heat treatment, the durable and resilient pieces retain their original shape and taste a little stiff. In order for the dough to become elastic, not stick to the hands, not break, you need to add a little salt to the dough water. The custard dough is kneaded on boiling water. Steamed products from such dough are soft and smooth, easily absorbed by the body. This dough is usually used for steamed dumplings, for butter-fried patties with a sweet filling. Custard dough does not absorb oil well, so the oil consumption for such products is low. The egg dough with the addition of water is kneaded on an equal amount of eggs and water. If this is a dough for sweet dishes, you should let it settle a little so that the sugar completely dissolves.