Flour - 1 kg, Eggs - 2 pcs., Water - 400 g, Salt (for dough) - 1 teaspoon
Prepare products for lagman noodle dough.
How to make lagman dough: Beat the eggs, mix with water.
Add salt and flour.
Knead the cool dough from the flour, salt and eggs, roll into a ball and leave the lagman dough covered with a towel for 10-15 minutes.
Now about how to make dough noodles for lagman. Finely roll the dough (it is more convenient to do this if you take only part of the dough). The thickness of the formation shall be 1-1. 5 mm.
Sprinkle with flour and chop the noodles.
Boil water (to boil noodles from a given amount of food in one go, you need a 5L saucepan). Pour a little more than half a pot of water, bring to a boil, salt (1 teaspoon for each liter of water). Put the noodles in boiling water. Boil it in salt water (3-5 minutes).
Remove, rinse two to three times in cold water, transfer to a colander, let drain the water.
Lagman dough noodles are ready!
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