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Cheesecakes (cottage cheese) are a popular dish of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian cuisines. Cheesecakes are fried tortillas, cottage cheese fritters with the addition of eggs and flour. More details about cheesecakes and cottage cheese...Often, semolina is used instead of flour and cheesecakes are made with manka, sometimes cheesecakes are made without flour. Usually cheesecakes are fried in a pan, but they cook cheesecakes and in the oven, in the microwave, for steam. Making cheese cheese from cottage cheese is a simple and very grateful activity. After all, cheesecakes will always delight you, especially delicious cheesecakes with raisins, cheesecakes with an apple, cheesecakes with carrots. Cheesecakes with sour cream, jam, honey are served. . . Do you want to know how to make curd cheesecakes? On our website, almost two hundred recipes for cheesecakes will tell you how to make cheesecakes, there are recipes for cheesecakes with photos. Interestingly, they often say "cottage cheese cheese" and "cottage cheese cheese, " although this actually means "cottage cheese cottage cheese" and "cottage cheese cottage cheese, " because the word "cheese" among the ancient Slavs just meant "cottage cheese. " And in the Ukrainian language it still means.

Prepare cheesecakes according to our recipes and please post photos of cheesecakes in the comments - share delicious!