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Kingfisher steam pies

1 serving

Peel the cabbage, disassemble into leaves and rinse thoroughly. Lower the cabbage leaves into boiling water, add soda diluted in a small amount of cold water and cook until the leaves are soft. Remove, rinse under a stream of cold water and allow to drain. Dry cabbage to pour finely chop, squeeze moisture and put in a separate container. Peel and finely chop the ginger. Add salt, powdered sugar, finely chopped ginger, pork fat to the cabbage mass and mix thoroughly - the filling for the pies is ready. Knead the elastic smooth dough on the water for about 30 minutes. Divide the dough into 30 pieces and roll each piece into a pancake. Put the filling on each pancake, wrap the edges upwards and split in such a way that round pies with a diameter of about

5. 5 cm are obtained. Put the pies on a steamer grill and steam over high heat for 5 minutes. Put on a dish and serve warm

wheat flour - 300 g, white cabbage - 1 kg, pork fat - 200 g, sugar powder - 400 g, salt - 2 g, soda - 0.5 tsp, ginger root - 3 cm