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Jiaozi (chinese dumplings)

1 serving

To prepare the filling, chop meat very finely (you can use a meat grinder, but this is undesirable). Peel and finely chop or grate the ginger. Finely chop the bulbs and greens, squeeze the juice and mix with the chopped meat, add the salt, ground pepper and grated ginger and mix thoroughly. Knead a fairly cool dough from flour and cold water, cover with a clean napkin and let stand for about half an hour. Roll the dough into a long tourniquet with a diameter of about 3 cm and divide into balls. Sprinkle them with flour, and flatten them into round pancakes. Put 1 tablespoon of meat filling on each pancake, fold in half, pinch the edges and shape the dumplings. In a large saucepan, boil enough salted water and lower the dumplings in portions into boiling water. Gently stir so that the dumplings do not stick to the bottom. Once the water has boiled, pour in some cold water and bring to the boil again. Finished dumplings float to the surface. Take out the finished dumplings with a spoon and keep warm above the steam

flour - 500 g, pork - 250 g, parsley greens - 150 g, dill - 150 g, celery - 200 g, onions - 2 pcs., ginger root - 2 cm, water to taste, salt to taste, ground black pepper to taste