Antique chicken and rice chicken coop
8 servings3 hours your 1 hourA simple recipe for chicken and mushroom chicken - the famous Russian pie.
* For dough:, Flour - 3 cups, Butter - 200 g, Sour cream - 1 cup, Eggs - 2 pcs., Salt - 0.5 teaspoons, * For filling:, Chicken - 1 kg (1 pc.), Cream - 0.25 cups, Lemon (juice) - 0.25 pcs., Rice - 1 cup, Nutmeg - 1 pinch, Parsley greens - 0.5 bunch, Champignons (fresh or pickled) - 6-8 pcs., Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoonsPrepare products for making chicken coop with cooked chicken and mushrooms. Leave the oil at room temperature for softening.

How to make chicken and mushroom chicken coop: Chop the chicken into pieces.

Cook chicken. To do this, pour it with water so that the water slightly covers the meat (1-1. 5 l), bring to a boil, remove the foam, add 0. 5 teaspoons of salt. Screw, cover, cook at low boiling for 40-60 minutes.

Finely chop a few fresh or pickled mushrooms.

Fry the prepared mushrooms in oil. To do this, heat 1-2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, lay out the mushrooms, fry them, stirring, 5-7 minutes over a medium heat.

Boil 4 eggs hard-boiled, peel, chop.

Remove the chicken from the broth, cool slightly, cut the brisket into slices, remove the rest of the meat from the bones and cut.

Leave the bones to cook in the broth for another 15 minutes. Then remove the bones and strain the stock.

When half the liquid is left, put all the chicken meat in the resulting sauce. Stir. , finely chopped parsley and add a few drops of lemon juice.

Then cast 1. 25 cups chicken stock, add cream, nutmeg. Mix all the mass thoroughly and put to boil.

Wash rice in cold water, drain, pour into boiling water, boil, cook for 5 minutes.

Then tip the rice into a colander, rinse with cold water, lower it into boiling broth (2 glasses), salt, cook until tender (10 minutes).

Cut the parsley.

Add greens (half of all parsley) to the finished rice.

Add finely chopped parsley (half of all parsley) to the chicken and add a few drops of lemon juice.

Knead the dough, for which to pour two eggs into a saucepan, add oil, sour cream, pour flour, salt.

Knead the dough well. Leave one-fourth of it for making the roof of the coop and jewelry. Roll the rest of the dough into a 0. 5 cm thick formation.

Give the dough a round shape and put on a baking sheet. Put half the rice on the middle of the dough, level.

Put half the eggs evenly on the rice.

Then half the chicken and mushrooms.

Again rice, eggs and chicken with mushrooms. Spoon the mince more tightly

Separate a small piece from the remaining dough (for decorations). Roll the rest into a 0. 5 cm thick circle - it will be the lid of the cooker. From the remaining piece of dough, make jewelry to your taste: leaves, flowers, pigtails, etc.

Pull the edges of the dough up at the pie. top put the remaining rolled dough, pinch the edges, make a hole in the middle and decorate the top with dough figures.

Turn on the oven. Beat the egg.

Grease the top of the chicken coop with egg. Put in a hot oven (180 degrees) and bake a chicken and mushroom chicken with rice until tender - 40 minutes.

Then turn off the oven and leave the chicken coop in it for another 30 minutes. Enjoy your meal!