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Protein glaze

Protein glaze... 1 serving
1 hour 25 min yours 1 hour 25 min

The recipe for protein glaze - the traditional decoration of Easter cakes and other pastries - will require a minimum of ingredients: egg whites, sugar and water. To add color to the protein glaze, you can add food coloring, and flavors - vanilla, lemon juice, fruit essences - will give the protein glaze a pleasant taste and aroma.

Sugar - 1 cup, Water - 1 cup, Protein - 2 pcs., Flavoring agent (I have vanillin) - at the tip of a knife, Dye (I have blueberry concentrate) - 2-3 tsp
Prepare protein glaze products.
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Gradually pour the thick syrup into the whipped pr... Gradually pour the thick syrup into the whipped proteins with a thin stream.
Without stopping whipping the mass, add flavors to... Without stopping whipping the mass, add flavors to taste and food colors as desired.
Then, stirring with a spatula or spoon, heat the p... Then, stirring with a spatula or spoon, heat the protein glaze in a water bath to 60-65 ° C.
Sugar-protein glaze is ready. ... Sugar-protein glaze is ready.
Enjoy your meal!... Enjoy your meal!