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Trickled pastries

Dumplings, knedlicks are dough products that are boiled and then used as an ingredient or as a stand-alone dish. It is believed that the name "dumplings" is characteristic of Belarusian cuisine, and the origin of dumplings has not been fully clarified: apparently, culinary experts from different countries have figured out how to make dumplings independently of each other. More details about dumplings and knedliks...
Of course, they received different names. So, in the Czech Republic and Slovakia they are called knedliks, in Germany and Austria - knedli or knedl. Knedliks according to Czech recipes make, as a rule, three types: dough knedliks, potato knedliks and sweet knedliks with fruits. But in principle, the recipe for knedliks is no different from the recipe for dumplings.

A few words on how to make dumplings. The simplest dumplings are made from flour, eggs and water, but there are dumplings from semolina, and even dumplings from beetroot. Potato dumplings are especially popular: we knead boiled potatoes, add flour, eggs. This is exactly how potato dumplings are done, this recipe is quite self-sufficient and as a result we get an independent dish. Moreover, if we prepare dumplings with meat. Potato dumplings with meat can be cooked in two ways: adding minced meat to dumpling dough or using minced meat as dumpling filling. So you have a choice of how to cook dumplings. We can also give you some tips on how to make dumplings tasty. First, use milk instead of water for the dough. Secondly, separately beat the yolks with butter, add them to the dough, after which you pour the beaten whites there.

Kletsky's recipe is also a component of many soups. This is chicken soup with dumplings, and soup with dumplings and meatballs, and just soup with dumplings. In a nutshell, how to make dumpling soup. Having prepared the broth, we put vegetables in it, after which we add pieces of rather liquid dough with a spoon. So you can cook almost any soup with dumplings, choose the recipe for the soup yourself. If you still doubt whether you can make dumpling soup, the recipe with the photo will remove all questions and doubts.