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Chebureks are large fried cakes made from non-yeast dough. Chebureks can be with different fillings, but chebureks with meat are a classic recipe. The cheburek recipe is of Asian origin. More details about chebureks...
According to one version, the Russians learned how to prepare chebureks from the Crimean Tatars after the Russian-Turkish wars. And of course, soon they came up with a recipe for chebureks with vodka.

The right chebureks and delicious chebureks are hot, with crisp edges, with juicy meat, in which the aroma of onions and spices is captured. Cooking chebureks in our country is associated with Caucasian or Central Asian chefs and seems difficult to do. But cooking chebureks at home shouldn't scare you. You too will be able to make great homemade chebureks. In principle, ordinary meat pies are very similar to chebureks, the recipe for this Asian pie is distinguished primarily by the original recipe for dough. Chebureks at home are easy to cook, the main thing is to know good recipes for chebureks. We offer you chebureks at home, a recipe for chebureka with cheese, a recipe for dough for chebureks. And of course, the recipe for chebureks with meat, the photo of these ready-made chebureks makes the salivation flow even in a well-fed person. In general, it was noticed that in the case of chebureks, a recipe with a photo has magical properties - it makes you think only about chebureks.

The preparation of dough for chebureks is a very important point. If you want to know how to make chebureks, you should learn well how to make cheburek dough. So, remember, if you are going to make chebureki, the dough recipe does not contain yeast. Cheburek dough is usually kneaded on water, but cheburek dough can also be made on milk. There are chebureks on beer, chebureks on kefir, even custard dough for chebureks is prepared. Cheburek dough is tasty if you add a little vodka to it. Cheburek dough with vodka is more crunchy. In principle, for the same purpose, dough is made for chebureks on beer, dough for chebureks on kefir. You can save time and make dough for chebureks in a bakery, you will get delicious chebureks from custard dough. Well, for lovers of fine cuisine - chebureks made of puff pastry, also very tasty chebureks. The recipe with puff dough resembles a dish close to chebureks - burek, or meat pie.

At this we finish our educational program on how to make dough for chebureks, and move on to filling for chebureks. Filling for chebureks, as a rule, is meat, and chebureks with meat are the most familiar for us. Minced meat for chebureks can be made from any meat, necessarily with onions. A delicious recipe for chebureks with meat, in which dill is also put in minced meat. However, the recipe for chebureks can use another filling, for example, there are chebureks with cheese, chebureks with potatoes and other lean chebureks. The recipe for cooking them is the same.

Finally, we conclude our article on how to make chebureks with a description of the last operation of cooking chebureks. There are two main ways to fry chebureks. The first is deep-fried, i. e. when the hot oil completely covers the cheburek, the second is with a small amount of oil, which on the one hand cooks the cheburek.

So you know how to make dough for chebureks and how to cook chebureks. This recipe will not leave indifferent any member of your family. We hope you will soon write to us how to make chebureks according to your recipe. So we're waiting for your chebureks. The recipe for cooking with photos will help other home cookers do everything right.