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Supplementary doughnuts

1 serving

Out of 150g flour, 40g yeast, 50g milk, make the brew and put it in a warm place to increase in volume. In a saucepan, stir 300 g of milk, 60 g of sugar, 6 egg yolks, heat and stir until completely cooled. Pour the steam into the cooled mass, add another 450 g of flour, a pinch of salt, grated lemon zest, rum and knead everything well. Then add melted butter (90g), knead the dough well again, remove it from the dishes on a floured board and roll it out with a rolling pin into a 0. 5 cm thick layer. Cut the tortillas with a round shape or glass, put a little thick apricot on the middle of each second, grease the dough around with an egg and cover every second tortilla with the first, empty one. Press the folded cakes with a smaller shape or a smaller cup, thus pinching the edges, and arrange the products on a floured board at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Cover the tortillas with a cloth and leave on the board for 1 hour. Bake products in fat in the same way as ordinary doughnuts. Sprinkle hot doughnuts with vanilla sugar.

butter - 80 g, salt to taste, yolk - 6 pcs., sugar - 60 g, milk - 350 g, yeast - 40 g, flour - 600 g, lemon zest to taste, vanilla sugar to taste, rum - 1 tbsp. spoon, apricot to taste, tar to taste