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Almond turrets

1 serving

Of all products (except for seen), knead the dough of thick consistency and roll it out with a rolling pin into a layer 1-
1. 5 cm thick. With three molds of different sizes with notches, cut an equal number of circles and bake them on a metal sheet lubricated with oil and sprinkled with flour. The products shall be evenly browned. After baking, glue the cake with any fruit sight in this order: first put a large cake, on it - medium, and on top - small. Sprinkle the products with vanilla sugar.

almonds - 120 g, lemon - 1 pc., sugar - 100 g, flour - 200 g, vanilla sugar - 0.5 packs, cookie powder - 0.5 packs, fruit to taste, resin - 200 g