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Pumpkin fritters

Pumpkin fritters begin to capture our tables from the end of summer, in autumn they confidently advance, and even in winter they do not give up their positions. All this time we fight them and exterminate them with special zeal and appetite. But how else, because pumpkin fritters are so tasty. More about pumpkin fritters...Pumpkin fritters are very simple to cook. Squash fritters are usually made on kefir, but there is also a recipe for squash fritters on sour milk. In addition to pumpkin, you can add some other fruits and vegetables by preparing, for example, pumpkin and apple fritters,

squash and pumpkin fritters. There is another interesting recipe: cooked pumpkin fritters. Prepared in this way, very delicate pumpkin fritters are obtained. This recipe can be safely attributed to children's cuisine, because they are very light and healthy. In addition, children generally love pumpkin fritters. Of course, adults will like the recipe for such fritters. Finally, pumpkin fritters look very beautiful, make sure for yourself by looking at our pumpkin fritter recipe with a photo.