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Fritters are a flour product made from batter, which is fried in a pan. There are several ways to make fritters. More details about the fritters...Many people love fritters, because there is a minimum of food, and the preparation of fritters is not difficult. Making pancakes from pancakes differs in that thinner dough is used for the latter, while the recipe for pancakes contains soda, yeast that helps the dough rise and make more fluffy fritters. In addition, the recipe for making pancakes may contain kefir. Now about how to cook fritters. We collect the finished batter with a spoon and pour it into a frying pan. The question many ask their mothers and grandmothers, "how to fry fritters? , " is far from rhetorical. The main thing is not to overcook the fritters. As soon as the edges of the fritters begin to brown and lag behind the pan, the fritters must be turned over. Above we have already told you how to make the fritters lush. If you want to know how to make delicious fritters, then our advice is to cook fritters on sour cream, milk and knead with a mixer. Of course, there is a simpler recipe: fritters on water, fritters on kefir or fritters on sour milk. And of course the most delicious fritters - with heat and heat, with sour cream, jam or honey.

There's an interesting way to bake fritters fast and original. To do this, all the ingredients are placed in a plastic bottle, it shakes inteusively, and after that the resulting dough is gradually poured out of the bottle into the pan. This method will also help you if you want to learn how to make fritters without a mixer.