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Grass snooze

Grass snooze...

Perennial grass sleep is characterized by a rather long stem and a creeping rhizome. It is noteworthy that the total height of the plant often reaches one meter. Ovoid forms bordered by small denticles, the leaves of the sniffle can be different depending on the location on the stem - for example, the basal have a tripartite structure three times. The plant blooms in nondescript white flowers collected in multipath umbrellas.

In cooking, they use not only leaves, but also petioles with young shoots of the plant. By the way, greens are usually collected until they open and are characterized by a soft green hue and shine. This is due to the distinctive property of dreaming to acquire a rather specific taste at maturity.

As a green, it is customary to add snogging to soups, okroshek, cabbage soup or borscht. In addition, side dishes, fish and meat can be seasoned with this grass. Interestingly, the young leaves of the plant are not only added to vegetable salads, but also alum for the winter, similar to white cabbage. Dream petioles can be marinated separately or added to assorted vegetable crops, which will give the finished blanks a specific aroma.

Composition of dreams

Sniffles, in particular plant leaves, include nitrogenous compounds, including choline, an important substance involved in metabolism. In addition, there are malic and citric acids in this grass, well-known flavonoids - kaempferol and quercitin. All these substances that contribute to the strengthening of blood vessels are present in the shoots of sleep.

In addition, there are mineral salts, essential oil and trace elements in the composition of snuff. Rhizomes of the plant also have a certain benefit for the human body, because they contain resins, starch, essential oils and saponins.

Benefits of sleep

Not only culinary experts, but also representatives of traditional medicine unanimously recognize the benefits of sleep. This healing plant has a lot of effective properties, in particular, the use of this herb contributes to the relief of the patient's condition in rheumatism and gout. In order to relieve inflammatory processes, it is recommended to grind sleep and apply it to the pain area.

In addition, the benefits of sleep for human health and due to its wound-healing effect are obvious. And this truly magical grass also helps to maintain immunity, especially during the period of vitamin deficiency. With the help of sleep, liver and kidney diseases are known to be treated, and this plant is also actively used for anemia.

The harms of dreaming

The undoubted advantages of this plant include the fact that the harm of sleep to the human body has not been proven, therefore there are no contraindications to its use.

weeds sleep 0 kCal

Energy value of grass to sleep (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)