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Grass immortal

Grass immortal...

Perennial grass immortal can be either a shrub or a shrub from the Astrovy family. This plant grows mainly in southern Africa, on the island of Madagascar, the islands of Mascarene, in Asia Minor and Australia. Despite the fact that the immortal is a plant of this genus, which has more than 600 species, it is cultivated almost all over the world.

The Latin name for this plant, Helichrysum, originates from the Greek "helios" and "chrysos, " meaning "golden sun. " And in fact, most species of immortal are characterized by flowers of bright yellow color, resembling the sun in miniature.

It is customary to harvest an immortal at the beginning of flowering - in June. Until the baskets have fully opened, the plant is dried in the shade. The immortal's numerous medicinal properties made him widespread in both folk medicine and culinary affairs.

For example, essential oil and immortal leaves are sometimes used as seasoning for meat and fish dishes. The narrow-leaved immortal is able to give a light aroma and taste of curry to beef and pork dishes. In addition, leaflets and flowers of the immortal can be added to salads, thereby emphasizing their peculiar taste. And they are often boiled and used as food in this form or added to a stew of vegetables.

Immortal species

Many species of immortal are distinguished, but the most common include the helichrysum monstrosum. This plant is easily recognizable due to its tall stem and large number of round-shaped terry flowers. Gomfrena globosa is another known species of immortal that consists of a branched bush with pink, crimson or orange flowers. One cannot but say about the statitsa of sinuata - a type of immortal, which is characterized by extraordinary beauty due to its very bright color.

Composition of the immortal

The healing properties of this plant are due to the composition of the immortal, in which such useful substances as essential oils, flavonoids, stearins, tannins, bitterness, resins, ascorbic acid and carotene, vitamin K along with mineral salts and trace elements are found.

The benefits of the immortal

For example, due to the content of essential oil, immortal preparations perfectly moisturize the skin and promote tissue regeneration. In addition, the benefits of the immortal for human health lie in his choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, wound healing and antibacterial actions.

It has been proven that with regular administration of drugs based on the immortal, the composition and viscosity of bile improves, the content of cholates increases, and the level of bilirubin and cholesterol in the blood decreases. That is why it is often used for the therapy of liver ailments, hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, as well as hepatocholecystitis. The benefits of the immortal are also obvious in the fight against colds, colitis, gastritis and constipation.

grass immortal 0 kKal

The energy value of grass is immortal (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)