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Common shooter (bolotnik)

Common shooter (bolotnik)...

The common sagler (Bolotnik) is a plant that belongs to the Chastuhovye family. It can be found growing right in the water off the banks of ponds, rivers and swamps. Outwardly, the common sagittarius (swamp) is distinguished by pointed leaves that look like arrows and stick out of the water. Under water, the leaves of the plant are ribbon-shaped.

Of particular interest to the culinary area are the edible underground tubers of common sagittarius (swamp), which are distinguished by a large starch content (up to 35 percent), that is, even more than in potatoes. Moreover, in terms of the amount of protein, the tubers of the common shooter (swamp) are also significantly richer than this root vegetable. To obtain the largest harvest, the land in the reservoirs where this plant grows is fertilized. So, 10-15 tubers are often obtained from one plant, the total mass of which is up to two hundred grams.

Both the rhizome of the common sagittarius (swamp) and the nut-shaped tubers hanging on it are suitable for food. By the way, fresh ones taste like nuts, boiled they acquire a pea taste, and baked ones taste like potatoes. Interestingly, in North America, this plant was called the white potatoes of the Indians, and the doy Chinese still cultivate common sagittarius (swamp) as a common vegetable plant. French chefs from the tubers of this plant make completely exquisite dishes.

For the purpose of long-term storage, the tubers of the common sagittarius (swamp) are cut into circles and dried in the air. In addition, to make flour, these circles are pre-dried in an oven. You can make excellent jelly, creams or jelly from such flour.

The porridge of common sagittarius tubers (swamp) is unusually tasty, for the preparation of which fresh tubers are washed and boiled in salted water, after which they are peeled and passed through a meat grinder. Then sugar, milk, salt are added to the resulting puree and the mass is boiled to the required consistency.

In addition, some hostesses prepare pork, which is baked with tubers of common sagittarius (swamp). It is not at all difficult to prepare this dish - the tubers are boiled in salted water, the skin is removed, and the flesh is cut. Pork is stuffed with garlic, salted and grated. Half of the prepared tubers of ordinary sagittarius (swamp) are laid out on a sheet of foil, meat is laid on it, which is sprinkled with the remaining vegetable on top. The foil is tightly wrapped, placed on a baking sheet and cooked for about an hour in a hot oven.

common sagittarius (swamp) 99 kCal

The energy value of an ordinary shooter (swamp) (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 5.33 g (21 kCal ~)
Fats: 0.29 g (~ 3 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 20.23 g (~ 81 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 22% | 3% | 82%