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The beneficial properties of sage are for a reason considered extremely strong and extensive, since this plant has been used since ancient times to this day to solve a wide variety of health problems.

As for cooking, it is worth noting that in the cuisines of the countries of the USA, South America and Southern Europe, sage is in high demand and its popularity cannot be overestimated. The leaves of this aromatic plant have a bitter, spicy taste and a sharp smell. Sage works beautifully with meat, poultry, fish and vegetables. Chefs add it not only to salads, soups, pies, gravy, marinades, but also to sweet dishes. If you have not been able to get this spice fresh, do not be upset, because even when dried, it is not inferior to its taste of greens. The calorie content of sage in fresh form is much lower than its dried analogue and is only 49 kcal per 100 grams.

In the food industry, sage has also found its place of honour, where it is added to spiced and pickled herring. But in the production of tobacco products, sage is used as a fragrance of expensive tobacco varieties.

The benefits of sage

In folk medicine, this medicine is best known as an anti-inflammatory rinse for throat diseases, fluxes and toothache. The benefits of sage are also obvious with profuse sweating in the case of tuberculosis, as well as the climacteric period in women. By the way, they say that a mixture of sage and linden flowers can increase sex drive, while eliminating frigidity.

Not only folk, but also official medicine also confirms the benefits of sage, since it is one of the main components in the manufacture of medicines for the treatment of various diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, oncological and many other serious ailments. Preparations with sage are used to improve memory and in the treatment of bronchi, kidneys, liver, musculoskeletal system.

The Harm of Sage

When buying this plant "from the hands" both fresh and dry, it is worth being vigilant, since, unlike sage medicine, there are still a lot of subspecies. So, uncontrolled use of the leaves of one of them (salvia divinorum) can be very dangerous, due to the fact that this particular plant has the effect of hallucinogen. And the more prosaic consequences include allergies, nasopharyngeal edema and skin rashes, which can occur with an overdose of drugs that include this grass. The harm of sage lies in the personal intolerance of this plant.

sage 49 kCal

Energy value of sage (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 3.7 g (~ 15 kCal)
Fats: 0.4 g (~ 4 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 8g (~ 32kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 30% | 7% | 65%