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Celery is one of the most ancient plants that humans have begun to consume. There was a real celery cult in Greece. He was depicted on coins, the winners of the Olympic Games were decorated with wreaths from this plant, they decorated their dwellings during the holidays. Celery is mentioned in Homer's famous poems - "Odyssey" and "Iliad. " During the reign of Cleopatra, celery was considered a plant that relieves ailments and gives strength.

Celery came to Russia under Catherine the Second. At first, it was bred as an ornamental plant and only in the 18th century did Russians appreciate the taste and benefits of celery.

Celery benefits

Celery is the healthiest and safest green condiment, scientists around the world say unequivocally. The composition of celery is rich and varied. Vitamins A, C, K, PP, a large amount of vitamins of group B. Potassium, magnesium, calcium are among the main elements contained in this plant. A unique substance - luteolin, which is found in celery, has significant anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effects.

The useful properties of celery are effectively manifested in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, various kidney diseases, disorders of the nervous system, it calms down, returns peace of mind, contributes to the harmonization of the internal state of a person. Celery juice perfectly cleanses the body and normalizes metabolism, improves the condition of the skin. Among other things, the celery infusion has a healing effect, it perfectly treats minor wounds, hematomas, bruises and other consequences of careless human behavior.

Celery is an integral part of the many diets prescribed for wellness, cleansing, weight loss. Nutritionists do not get tired of admiring the health benefits of celery. The calorie content of celery is only 13 kcal. per 100 gr.

Celery is the main component of the famous "drink of love, " because it is a famous natural aphrodisiac. According to legend, Tristan and Isolde drank this drink, after which they flared up with passion for each other. So it is or not in fact, but I really want to hope that our ancestors are right, and celery is really able to renew faded feelings.

Scientists have proven that celery is able to significantly slow down aging processes, helps to resist the negative effects of the environment on the body's cells. This is a unique ability and obvious benefit of celery.

In cooking, celery is used as an additive to various dishes, because all parts of this plant have a strong spicy aroma. It is used in the first dishes, in side dishes, from celery prepare amazingly tasty sauces, which are a wonderful addition to various dishes. Fresh celery is good in any vegetable salad as a source of youth, strength and great mood.

The harms of celery

Celery is not recommended to be eaten in late pregnancy and during breastfeeding, as it can adversely affect the fetus and cause allergic reactions in the child. Do not abuse celery for people who have kidney stones, because this vegetable provokes active movement of stones. Also, caution should be observed for diseases with gastritis and stomach ulcer. In any case, the vegetable should be consumed in moderation, then the harm of celery will not manifest itself in any way, and you will only feel the benefit of celery.

celery 13 kCal

Energy value of celery (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.9 g (~ 4 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 2.1 g (~ 8 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 28% | 7% | 65%